Still getting platelets, but less often

Things have been going farily well recently. I'm down to every other day clinic visits and weekends off. Spending less time at the clinic, and more time on normal stuff. As a whole, blood counts are returning. My bone marrow showed hypocellularity of 80%, meaning I have the cell production of about a 20 year old right now. (rule of thumb 100% - age is typical cellularity). So there's no issue with the production, but my platelets are barely recovering. I held in the low 40s earlier in the week until today when I dropped to 34. Our guess is that my spleen is sequestering and destroying them, gobbling them up instead of letting them float freely. This is annoying and has brought some discussion to the potential of removing my spleen, or a splenectomy. This will be a question for I will explore further with GI next week. I will approach a splenectomy cautiously because it is a major surgery with serious complication risks and long-term issues. But it could also free me of this ...