Day +61 First virus for the new immune system

Tuesday Day 61. First virus on the new immune system

Things were going nice, but then they took a turn for a worse and the whole family got colds. On Thursday night, Alpen was hacking and sneezing some green stuff. Breezy started not feeling well. So on Friday, I decided to make a run for Edmonds and get out of the house in case I hadn’t been infected yet. I stopped by SCCA on the way to do a nasal swab so we would know what type of virus (if any) we were working with. I didn’t have a fever which was the first thing they asked me (and asked about Breezy and AlPal) cause a fever could mean influenza and the flu would mean real bad news. The swabs take 24 hours to result, so on Saturday up in Edmonds, I found out I had not one but 2 viruses(!): a Corona virus and a Boca virus. So I didn’t escape Columbia City in time, but then the question are these the same viruses that Alpen and Breezy have? Without them getting swabbed, we didn’t know. So to be safe, I remained in Edmonds over the weekend, and let us all heal up in isolation. Although Bree was left caring for a sick baby while also being sick, and that combination means a real lack of sleep and energy. So on Sunday my mom went down to help with childcare and let Bree catch up a little bit on sleep.  I stayed in Edmonds and let my nose drip to its full desire while chugging as much water as I could.  I can’t remember ever having such a drippy nose. On Monday, I woke feeling hot, so I took my temp and I had a 100.5 low-grade fever. This is a warning zone, and two temps within an hour in this zone means we’re treating it like an infection. My next temp was lower and out of the zone, so that was relief—I still might be able to go home to CC tonight. Mom drove down to Columbia City again to help Bree and Dad took me to the clinic for a blood draw and triage assessment. Being a MLK day, the clinic was pretty empty, but triage was still open. We started with some blood cultures to see if anything would grow out in next 48 hours and go with some preventative IV anti-biotics.  As the PA was trying to decide which anti-biotic to use, she called the attending doc, who decided that it would be best to admit me to the hosp until we are sure the cultures are clear and the fever goes away. The immune supression combination of prednisone and cyclosporin means who knows how functional my system really is.  Figured a hosp stay would probably happen. But still a let dow. Dad drove me over to the UWMC and I went back up to 8NE and got the room at the very end of the hall and went under "droplet isolation" which means anyone who comes in has to gown-up and wear a facemask. I was afraid it would be awkward running into old nurses and care assistants, but it really hasn’t been too bad. There’s some banter like “why are you here again?” but there’s also some nice nurses who pop in and say “hey, hows Alpen doing?” its nice when we deflect off healthcare to Alpen. I tell a different Alpen story every time cause that’s how I tell stories I’ve learned (don’t recommend it, better to have a script that you know works and gets the info and the laughs across smoothly). My go-tos with Alpen lately have been “He’s sitting up now, but not crawling—a great combination for now.” And he’s eating solids with us, which has been really fun to experiment with foods.” And then adlib from there. Usually a question or two comes in, and then subject change. Few people really want to hear me drone on and on about the foods he eats. But I will cause I’m hyped-up on Prednisone and lonely in isolation at the end of the hall. That’s the other thing about this admit: I can’t leave the room. No walks, no checking out the comings and goings of the ward, no small talk in the hall with patients or staff. Stuck in the room. And since I’m sick, I don’t really want to infect visitors, and Bree is sick still, so she can’t visit (no sick people allowed to visit). FaceTime comes in handy, and allows me to stay connected to Bree and Alpen. We FaceTimed during his dinner last night and it was really pleasant. Bree had her camera propped up where I normally sit on the table and if I talked loud enough, I could get AlPal’s attention. Which distracted him from the hummus he was eating, but also paced him cause he was eating ferociously, with a huge face lunge the second the hummus spoon was in range. He also just started eating bread on his own over the weekend, like holding it and taking his own bites—which is really cool and means we don’t have to rip off bites for him. Anyone have ideas for other foods that are safe for toothless babies but can be held in his hands?

Big shout-outs to my parents this weekend, who gave away their holiday weekend to take care of us, and drive to and fro to Columbia City. And also a shout-out to Bree who has been leading the childcare while I was away. Chances are it will be a short stay, depends on what the cultures come up with tmrw after 48 hours and if my temp stays down. But overall it feels like a bad cold, but not like a real bad cold. So I take that as positive news that this system will get up and running, and especially once the immuno-suppression goes down. 

A few pics from the scene at home last night taken through facetime. Unfortunately, I didn't take any of the hummus lunges, or other dinner shots. But we got some of Bree and Alpen playing in the living room

 Happy baby
Alpen wearing his supes cute moto helmet-hat


  1. Keeping my fingers crossed for temperatures out of the red zone and a culture that comes back with good results. Seems like a scary situation that you guys handled really well. Lobe the adorbs AlHelmet-Hat pic!

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