Systemic Treatment Over. Some Mixed Emotions, but Overall Pleased.
My doctor and I decided to cancel any more systemic treatment because of the increasing occurrence of complications. My doctor felt that at this point, the cons outweighed the pros--meaning the organ damage and possibility of more serious complications caused by the chemo would be greater than the increase in the chance of cure. I sided with his judgement. I have mixed emotions because I want the greatest chance of cure possible which means sticking to the plan as closely as possible and taking more chemo. However, this must be balanced against the side-effects, and there is a limit to how much chemo any body can handle. My pancreas, stomach, and intestines were being pushed hard. These are organs I don't want too max to their limits. (Especially the pancreas which Dr. Shustov described as a nuclear reactor of enzymes--so I really want to avoid messing with that one anymore). It really makes the most sense to stop now, before any worse complications occur. We discussed sto...