Surgery Success!

The doc placed the Ommaya port on Tuesday morning as planned and all went well during and post surgery. I feel relieved to have gotten in in and now I can start on the next section of section of treatment which will begin next week.  The highlight was getting the port in, but also being able to stay in the nicest section of the hospital, the 8SA leukemia wing where the rooms feel like posh-hotel room. They have some space to walk around, a rolly La-Z-Boy-type chair, and a few other pieces of furniture. The lowlight was the crappy feeling of waking up from general anesthesia. After two days in the hospital, I am now back at home in the apartment.   I'll be laying low for a couple days letting myself heal and watching the first rounds of the US Open.

Back at the apt.


  1. That is excellent news, Derek! Hugs to you and Brianna.

  2. Wonderful news. Prayers for continued progress, Derek!

  3. Good to hear the surgery went well and that you are now back in your own home with Bree. We have been keeping informed from P & B but are glad to now have your blog. Sending love and all our wishes for a successful (and not too uncomfortable) treatment.
    Penny & Philip

  4. Hi Derek, Mark and I are happy to learn the port surgery was successful. Yea! Also really glad to read that your room felt so nice. It makes a difference to our spirits. We're rooting for you from Portland, Oregon- land of the truly wierd. Oh, oops. Briana is from here!. Maybe that explains everything.

  5. Classic Derek - even in the midst of a difficult situation, he still ends up backstage in the VIP room.


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