Day +14

Been a bit of a gap, but I’m now at day +14 post transplant. So far there has be no official record of engraftment, which means I’m still at 0 neutrophils. However, I feel that I am close: my throat pain has gotten better, which the only way to account for that is that some white cells have been made.  They just got recruited to the trouble areas and aren’t floating around the bloodstream to be picked up in a blood draw. The saying around here is that the patient often gets a few days heads up before when the labs show engraftment because the mouth sores start to feel a little better.

As far as my issues. I feel pretty pleased, nothing I haven’t experienced before, nothing crazy, nothing to go down to the ICU. No need for opiates to cover pain.  I did have a GI bleed that resulted in a scope. But the scope was productive and the gastrointerologists were able to apply a clip to an ulcer in my upper stomach that was oozing and continuing to cause a source of blood to be in my gut—and therefore nausea. The name of the game has been controlling nausea which I’ve done decently well. I’ve learned it arrive fast so best to stick to scheduled nausea which for me has been around the clock Zofran and Ativan. I tried Reglan, another common anti-nauseau for the first time yesterday but it sped up my bowels a bit (one of its mechanisms of action) and I didn’t want to risk another day of that. So off the Reglan again. One of the frustrating things for me is the lack of control for the anti-nausea administration and selection. At home, I have my pills, I can take them the instant I start feeling something. Here, there is delay: I have to press the call button to get someone to come to the room, then request the medicine, then the nurse has to go to the medicine room and return with a vial. Then the medicine in the vial needs to be put into a syringe, and shot into my IV line. Three times, I had already had vomiting bouts before the nurse returned with the medicine. It was frustrating because vomiting aggravated my GI tare, and then I would lose ground and blood. So it was a big deal, but I couldn’t work the system any except for doing more preemptive, scheduled anti-nausea. I asked if we could just leave some in the room, but there are strict rules surrounding these drugs (Ativan in particular), so they can’t be left out and ready in the room, in fact the time it takes once it’s scanned out of the med room til it’s scanned using my bracelet, is recorded. 

I’ve had loads of visitors which has helped pass the time, I also have been watching lots of sports and sportscenter, reading a few sports blogs, listening to soccer podcasts (Men in Blazers and Guardian Football Weekly), and TBTL podcasts, and finishing my favorite tv show: Rick and Morty (upset that I only have re-runs left in this gem). That reminds me if you want to listen to a good podcast that covers many of the details of bone marrow transplant, but isn’t really about transplant, radiolab posted a pod recently called a Match Made in Marrow and it’s cool because you get both the donor’s and patient’s perspectives. However you also get wrapped up into the donors moral quagmire of sacrificing part of one belief to help another—which is interesting too, but nothing to do with transplant.  It really resonated with me because the patient was similar: 29 yo male with ALL. The story also happened in 2009, so a bit dated in terms of recent science/treatment, so mine was a little different in a few ways: for example there is a push to do fresh cell transplants now and my cells were fresh and came all the way from Germany, while his cells were frozen and were from the US. Maybe there was a complication and reason for this, it didn’t explain. There’s also a registry of 70 million people now while there were only 8 million then, so it is more likely for Americans of European decent to find matches. It’s a good background, but the main point of the story is actually about faith and how the donor weighs her values internally about being involved in a magic show with a Christian twist (donor doesn’t like), but one that also registers 150 people to the bethematch registry every show (donor likes).   Intrigued? Go to the radiolab website or podcast page and take a listen! All for now.

 showing off those tummy-time skillz he's been working so hard at
Hard to tell, but Alpen does have longer hair


  1. That Radiolab was wild, I did think of you constantly listening to it D, and if you want to make big bucks down the road apparently Jesus + magic show is where it's at. I'll play dramatic keyboard sounds. That nausea med bureaucracy sounds like a real scam. Emily visited a farm with some friends a few weeks ago and learned that pretty much all of the fruit trees that Socal is so famous for are grafted onto root systems of native CA trees. Cause of course all the lemons and oranges and avocados aren't native plants, but the native root stocks "know" the soil. soo here's to fruitful engraftments ��

    1. I have some time, I'll start working on some card tricks while I'm here in the hosp. Ya I couldn't believe that he could support a family on magic, but suprise!

  2. Hoping for new neuts asap! Glad your throat is feeling better -- sounds like it's a super positive sign, and I'm sure it's a relief to have less discomfort from the sores. I'm about to go listen to that RadioLab now!

  3. Hooray visitors! I hope it's been a nice stream of friends and family and wish I could be there in person to come by and say hi! Ryan also loves Rick and Morty and sports podcasts.... I'll see if he wants to recommend a few others that are similar :)

    1. I'm Tiny Rick! I'm still only two seasons in - just waiting for the third one to finally get on Hulu and I hear it is great! One of my favorite podcasts is Slate's Hang Up and Listen - it comes out weekly on Mondays and is super smart and always has really good guests, and they talk about a variety of sports. I'm also really into the Stuff You Should Know podcast, which is nerdy and fun and if you listen for a while, you might have some fun Atlanta nostalgia because they are based out of there!

    2. Ry, I'm also waiting for the third on hulu, but you can stream first three episodes and last two of season three on adultswim website. Tiny Rick. Whoooo!

  4. Ermergerdddd ALPEN IS SO DAMN CUTE. These photos are leaving me to wonder if Alpen shaved his head in solidarity with you doing chemo or you shaved your head in solidarity with Alpen being a baby. Either way, you guys are really sticking together and I like it. Thanks for the update- I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for some more "neuts" as Erin so hiply called them. I stumbled upon that radiolab just before your transplant and thought it was a great one- it definitely left an impression of what a major deal this transplant is. It all feels very special (and scary) and like the very best of what science can do. I love it.

  5. What a frigging journey. Glad you are surrounded by the best health care professionals (even if some of the processes stink) and by Bree, Alpen, family, and so many friends. So much support for what is a difficult and nail-biting time. Sending you love and support from afar. M and M in Oregon

  6. Really glad to hear you’re feeling a little bit better—hopefully those nuets (now I’M saying it...) start showing up on the blood draws asap and you keep feeling better and better. As always, super cute Alpen pics—sending lots of love from CA to you and Bree and Alpen and fam!

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