Alfie in bloom

Our favorite christmas cactus, Alfred, is really a thanksgiving cactus. His progeny appear to be on the same bloom schedule even though they live in different rooms. Alpen has gotten his mitts on two blooms so far. Yesterday Alpen rolled over from back to tummy for this first time! Anyway, get your own blog Alpen am I right?! This blog is about Derek! With Derek at the hospital, I'm on my best behavior with regard to the plants - that means no watering!

Alfie and his son in the beginning of bloom season
Alfie and my son enjoying the blooms
Two bros, broin' it up!


  1. Matching hairdos for those bros!

  2. Whoa! Look at Alfie grow!!! Also, way to go Alpen, rolling over like a champ! Hugs to all bros and Brees.

  3. Lookin' good all 'round -- Alfie, Alpen and Derek!! Sending big hugs. Always in awe of your grace and courage.

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