Day +14
Been a bit of a gap, but I’m now at day +14 post transplant. So far there has be no official record of engraftment, which means I’m still at 0 neutrophils. However, I feel that I am close: my throat pain has gotten better, which the only way to account for that is that some white cells have been made. They just got recruited to the trouble areas and aren’t floating around the bloodstream to be picked up in a blood draw. The saying around here is that the patient often gets a few days heads up before when the labs show engraftment because the mouth sores start to feel a little better. As far as my issues. I feel pretty pleased, nothing I haven’t experienced before, nothing crazy, nothing to go down to the ICU. No need for opiates to cover pain. I did have a GI bleed that resulted in a scope. But the scope was productive and the gastrointerologists were able to apply a clip to an ulcer in my upper stomach that was oozing and continuing to cause a source of blood to be in ...