Save the date for October 16th

 Hello there,

Wanted to put this up as soon as possible, I will follow up with some additional info and a little form to collect contact info so you can get future updates by email if you'd like. In the meantime, we are planning an event to remember Derek and celebrate his life, and join together in community, on October 16th of this year. It will be at the Center for Urban Horticulture at the University of Washington, where Derek studied while a student in the Master of Environmental Horticulture program at UW. It is a beautiful and meaningful location, and easily accessible by transit as well. There are indoor and outdoor spaces, although it's looking good for vaccinations so we'll plan to include any public health measures in place at the time of the event. Lots of love and thank you for the continued support and continuing to hold the us in your hearts,



  1. We’re there with you all the time, but looking forward to being there in person with you and Alpen and so many other loved ones on October 16th. Sounds like the perfect spot, too.

  2. Thanks for letting us know. I'll calendar it now. =)


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