Hosp. Admittance delayed 2 days

Due to my lingering cold, that has decided to start giving me fevers in the middle of the day, we have delayed the chemo til Friday. At my appt yesterday, Dr. Cassaday was not pleased when my temp was 101.5. I still wanted to get the ball rolling on the chemo and I wasn't feeling that poor besides the temp. so he bargained that as long as things looked good overnight in the morning I could go in today. The morning didn't start off that good. I woke at 6 am and started a coughing fit that gave me bloody noses on each side. Once I figured out what was going on in the low light and after some blood had gotten on the sheets, I moved to the bathroom for kleenex. At this point I was pretty awake, so I moved to the living room and watched ESPN.  I checked my temp twice this morning, no fevers, so I called the nurse around 9 and she gave me the go-ahead to go in the hosp for the 1pm arrival. But as the morning wore on I felt crummier and then after walking down to light rail, I just had this nagging thought: is this the right call? I do feel pretty sick still.... so after one light rail stop, I took my temperature out of curiosity--it came back a whopping 101.9--and that was enough to for me to get off at the next stop and head back south. I did feel a sense of relief once I got back to Columbia City station that I wouldn't have to "tough" out some fevers and this cold in the hosp while getting chemo. After coordinating with my team, we decided that Friday is a good target to go in again. So for the next two days I'm gonna lay low and drink tons of water and eat soup from PCC. It's now 4pm and after some Tylenol, a nap, and some water, I'm already feeling less sick. It shouldn't derail Tday too much because I might be able to still get out on Tuesday, and we could drive to Biz that night. If not, we'll have to drive early Wednesday.  It pushes the Ino back to Saturday (which is fine) and my low count nadir will now be safely away from Thanksgiving activities likely the first Monday Tuesday in December. So lets hope Friday is a go! A few recent Aply moments


  1. Hope you're feeling better by tomorrow! Just looked up what PCC is - it looks awesome, and I bet that soup must be pretty damn good. Soup it up!

  2. Sounds wise to listen to how you are feeling and adjust. PCC for the win. =)

  3. Hi Derek - I hope you're feeling better today. Good luck with this next step!

  4. Just sayin'—following the delish PCC chicken noodle soup, next day I brought some admittedly quite mediocre ham and bean soup that you politely ate. But good sustenance for your Friday admit that went well. Appreciate you making these entries.

  5. Hope you're feeling better a few days later, and on track for a good Thanksgiving up north this week. Sounds like you guys could be in for a good show watching waves and surf from the point if the wind keeps blowing up there. Thanks as always for giving these updates, fingers crossed here for smooth sailing and good results in these next few rounds. -George

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