Consolidation Week 3
We checked the counts on Monday (yesterday) and I seem to be on the up-swing for platelets and white counts, but, oh so slowly. I'm still neutropenic and still below 20k platelets, but my counts are higher than I was most of last week. Now I'm at my nadir for red cells. This is typical they tell me, and red cells are the last to go and last to return. It does explain why I've been feeling more fatigued than normal, and why my apartment is all the sudden at 13,000 feet. I get winded going up the stairs in the building, and I take a few extra breaths every time I stand-up from my chair or couch. The team is intrigued why it's taken so long for my counts to recover, which reminded me of a common theme with blood oncology: how your bone-marrow responds to chemo is unique for each person and doesn't care about your mental or physical shape. It's tough not to take it personally, but the drugs affect people differently, and there is nothing you can do about it. It seem...