Captain Whidbey
It’s been a wild ride these last 2 weeks. With the fear of not knowing how much time I had, the beginning days were frenetic-- packing-in as much as possible and constantly re-evaluating priorities. However, pretty soon I started getting decent platelet bumps and it seemed I didn’t have to rush quite as fast. Last Wednesday, after 2 bags of platelets on Mon and Wed, the platelet post-count was 49. I decided at 49, it’s time to get out of Seattle for a night. If not now, then when? I have a platelet buffer in case of a nosebleed and energy is good. Briana had her eye on a rustic hotel on Whidbey Island called the Captain Whidbey. Bree booked a room for Friday night, we left Alpen with grandparents, and were off for a marvelous trip to Whidbey! I can’t believe I didn’t explore Whidbey more -- it’s relatively close (1 hr), gives an island life vibe, and is full of Pacific madrone. What else could you ask for? Friday was a little drizzly in the PNW, but the island is partially in the Olymp...